Tuesday, September 15, 2009

See You at the Pole

Every year, on the third Wednesday in September, an annual gathering is held around schools nationwide. This is called "See you at the Pole". What's the big idea? It's student initiated and student led, prayer group huddled around the flag pole to pray for the school year, the school itself, the teachers, each other, and our nation.
This year, it seemed that no one had mentioned anything about it though it was fast approaching. So, after thinking about it for a few days, I really felt that the Holy Spirit was convicting me of organizing it myself. He just kept saying "What are you waiting for? YOU can do it. You keep saying how you want to see a change in your school, a change in those around you, so why don't you actually DO something about it?" He was right. So I quickly started to plan things to organize the whole deal. I did my research on the official site, talked to the vice principals, and even made an event on Facebook to try to let as many people as I could know what was happening.
Ironically, as I was in the middle of creating the event on Facebook, I was suddenly overcome with a weird sense of fear.
"What if no one even shows up?" (My biggest fear)
"What if some people just think I'm being 'Christiany' and think I'm a fake?"
"What if nothing happens?"
So many different "what if's" on how it could possibly go wrong. My heart was literally racing as I was sending the virtual invitations to my friends. But then I prayed quickly asking God that if this was really what He wanted me to do, He would have to help me, because I was getting so discouraged.
For a few days, my little event on Facebook proved unsuccessful, because it was only one other guy and myself on the confirmed guest list. That discouraged me even more, but then I realized that something had gone wrong the first time I sent the invitations so that they actually didn't send at all. This was my second temptation to blow the whole thing off and just quit. But I reluctantly sent them out once more.
The next day, I had already more than 10 people signed up for it! And people began commenting on the page! It was such a great feeling to think that this might actually go well.
So now, I await September 23, 2009 with great anticipation. It's not however, because I recieved twenty five confirmed guest so far, but actually because I suddenly thought:
"So WHAT if nobody shows? So what if it's just me? Then it will be just me."
The fact is, that there are people who want to take prayer out of schools and this is a stand against that. Not only that, but more importantly, it's me praying for my school. It's me praying for covering over the thousands of teenagers that flood the hallways and the classrooms of Churchill. The teenagers that are hurting so badly, whose heart is bleeding but refuse to show it so they wear a painted mask of perfection. It's me praying for the teachers whose patience and spirits grow weary day after day. It's me praying against the preyings that the enemy has planned out, waiting for his time to attack. This is my battleground. Everyday is a battle. But thank you Jesus, that this is my victory.
So now, I'm confident that God will show up during this. That His presence will be so clear to those passively walking by. That His presence would overtake them, and that they would slowly start to somewhat see, who God really is.
A time for change is coming in the lives of our generation. It's time for us to stand together, united as believers and fight the good fight. The time is now. Who's with me?

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