Saturday, November 28, 2009

With Everything

I was sitting in my bed late at night and since I had no school the next day, I decided to go ahead and just spend time with the Father in exulting Him in worship. So this song came on and as I sang the words, and got lost in worshipping the Father the verse in Psalms that says "Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand days elsewhere." came to my mind and it became the song my heart cried out. I realized that just the little while I was sitting there, gloryfing Him for all that He is,I was in His presence, and that's where I belong. Nothing else satisfies me the way He satisfies me when I'm just praising Him. In all of his ways, in everything He does, in everything He is, He's so glorious! So majestic! So INCREDIBLE! My heart cannot even begin to fathom it! This song is a summary of what I want in my life.

  •  I want to love people the way Jesus loved them, with pure and sincere LOVE, and that though the way I live my life and the way I love people, I want them to see Jesus in that.Father, open my eyes that I may see them the way you see them! 
  • I want nothing for myself, but everything all for the sake of the Kingdom of God. What does it mean to "lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus" ? It means that what we do now, we do not do it for ourselves. Though we recieve glory here on earth because the Father is at work in us, we give it to Jesus, because HE is the one that deserves that glory. We are NOTHING apart from Him and He chose to use us. What an HONOR! So I can do nothing else, but to give glory to He who deserves the glory, the Glorious One.  
  • I want more of HIM and less of ME.  
  • To see the day when EVERYONE will see Jesus in His reverance and beauty and their songs will join in mine. FINALLY, the day everyone will see Him, for who He is. What a beautiful day that will be. All will see His glory, all see His majesty,all we see the King come in through the courts and see Him on the throne. Hallelujah for that day. 
With everything, we will praise and worship the Living God.

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