Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is it peoples...

The last day. My OFFICIAL last day of high school. I'm graduating in less than a week. 
Seriously?? Less than a week?? I mean, SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?

I'm not sure how I feel about all of this.
Sure, this means no more taking excruciating tests, stupid quizzes, gross cafeteria food,  (for NOW...granted, I will be in college in a few months...) mean custodians, getting up at unreasonable times in the a.m, freaky substitutes who try to convince you they control the weather, etc...

But this also means no more sneaking off campus for lunch with friends, making jokes at my assistant principal as I run late to class, singing the school song after soccer games on the bus, making pancakes in the locker room, hearing the ghetto girl mama drama talks in the A Hallway bathroom, football games, 8am pep rallies, FCA meetings, hanging out with my favorite teachers in their classrooms, getting to really know all of the students in my classes, and freaky substitutes who try to convince you they control the weather...

It's all so bittersweet.
My goodness. I'm growing up. 
Wait, no, I take that back.
I AM grown up.
My goodness....

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end..."- Closing Time

But hey, you know what? I did it. Thumbs up for that....

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