Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Pulley Effect

"He must become greater and I must become less and less."
*John 3:30*

It's ironic isn't it? That the sure sign of growth is by decreasing.
It's because we become too full. We become too full of other things that we leave no room for Jesus to come in.
We are too full of pride, bulge with selfishness and we leave no room for Him to come in and work within us. 
So this is what John says that there must be more of Him and less of me-it's the Pulley Effect.

Let me explain.

It's simple, really. The more you tug on one side of the pulley, the less you have of the other.
The more I have of myself, the less I have of Him but the more I rid myself of me, the more I have of Him. 

Take a look....

That's what I want. I want the Holy Spirit to overtake my heart in such a way, that it drives all the gunk out. All of my selfishness, my anger, my wounds, my desires for independence that enable me to think I can do it alone. I want it all gone so that there is room for the Spirit to fill. That His light may come with such a force that the darkness that hides in the smallest corners be driven out so that it may no longer I that live, but Christ who lives within me. It's not a  better or more improved me, it's simply no longer me.

Jesus, here I am. Broken, unworthy, and so incredibly desperate for You. 
It's all yours. All of it, Yours.
May my life no longer be dictated by my selfish thoughts, but rather be filled with Your overwhelming love and mercy that would enable my hands and feet to move in obedience to Your voice.
May You be lifted high in my life Lord, in everything, be lifted high. That I may have none of me left, but all of You.

It's like the old hymn that sings 
"O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou in me
And all things else recede"

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