Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today, I got the great opportunity to sit with a girl from one of my classes for lunch.
Yesterday, I asked her about her friends at school, and she told me that she didn't really have friends at our school but rather other ones within our district. So then I asked her "So then, who do you sit with at lunch?" and she told me nonchalantly, "Oh I just sit by myself in the library and do work, you know, get things done." "Can I sit with you tomorrow? I'll meet you there for lunch." and although she was taken by surprise, she agreed.
So today, I ate lunch with her. We actually had a great talk, about our beliefs and thoughts on some parts of life, and I realized that this girl is pretty cool. My plan is to continue to sit with her, the days we have the same lunch, and build an actual friendship. Hopefully something good will come out of it, I don't know what I'm expecting, but I'm expecting it will be something great.

So thus far, it's been good. We sit together and we talk. She tells me about life, her brothers, her worries, her opinions and I listen. But this is good. This girl is really opening up, and we're really becoming friends not just acquaintances. It's hard though, don't get me wrong, I want to sit with my friends where I know I won't have awkward moments, but if I want this girl to know I really care, I can't just sit with her once. That is not enough. It must be persistent. This is what I want to do. To go beyond the realms of my comfort; of sitting with the people I know and befriend the people that can't seem to find a friend, anyone. I want to be the one to go, find them and sit with them and in the process, get to know them. It's going to be interesting, I may get rejected (I actually have, on quite a few occasions) or I may have to face awkward conversations where I resort to talking about the soy milk they are drinking, it's all a risk. Buts honestly, it's a risk worth taking.

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