Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It Is Well

sur·ren·der - 1 a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another 2 a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence) intransitive senses : to give oneself up into the power of another

Sometimes, life gets a lot harder-more than you could think or come to admit.
Friends sort of vanish, loneliness seems to follow you and everything is just so dim.
And suddenly, just living takes courage. 
Yet it is in those moments, those feelings of sadness, hurt and weakness that that I hear the Savior comfort me, and He tells me to sing "It is well with my soul..."
It's in the moments where I feel like I don't even have the strength to stand up and all I can do is just trust Him, fully
Many, many times, I say to Him how I have surrendered everything to Him, how I have laid down all my burdens at His feet, but when the time comes where I feel so very frightened, I run back to my burdens and thrust them upon my shoulders once more. I do this out of fear. But then I ask myself "What are you afraid of?? Let God act!"
He continues to demonstrate how nothing is outside His control! He is SO much bigger than me, but for some reason, I tend to forget that. I instead focus more on the size of my problems than the size of my God and I forget that when I asked Him to be Lord of my Life, I asked Him to be Lord in ALL the areas of my life, not just the things I want to give to Him, when I feel like it. He wants it all, or He wants nothing.
He is the One in control, not me. Oh how I wish I could always see that! 
I pray that He would fix my eyes upon Him and not the circumstances!

Friends, may He whisper His peace upon your soul, that you too, would take great hope in knowing that no matter what you're feelings may be, He is the Lord of it all.
And may you remember that 
His Sovereignty calms calamities.
And so I ask you, "What are you afraid of? Let God act. Abandon yourself to Him. You will suffer, but you will suffer with love, peaceand consolation. You will fight, but you can carry off the victory, and God Himself, after having fought with you, will crown you with His own hand. You will weep, but your tears will be sweet, and God Himself will come with satisfaction to dry them. You will not be free any longer to give yourself up to your tyrannic passions, but you will sacrifice your liberty freely, and you will enter into a new liberty unknown to the world, in which you will do nothing except for love"
So trust Him, even though darkness seems to surround you, slowly swallowing you whole, the Light will break in. The dawn is coming.
You need not to despair, but rather look to the sky and wait for morning. As you wait, let the song He taught you, rise with the Sun.

This is an actual sunrise I witnessed. 
I know, I know....It left me speechless too.

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