Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Wheelin' Dylans

My brother looks a lot like Bob Dylan.

The hair.

The clothes.

(He copied Bob Dylan of course)
They even walk with the same hop in their step. Not in an arrogant way, in a-take-a-stroll-through-life-easy-going kind of way.

The resemblance is almost unreal.

It's kinda cool really, having a brother that looks like a legendary music icon.
And he's not only that, but he's just an amazing guy all around. A follower of Jesus, a creator of music, a composer of words, and of course, the funniest guy in the world (seriously, he made me pee my pants from laughing...)
Passion, love and joy drive him. He lives his life impacting those around him, though I'm not really sure he sees that.
He's also the reason I haven't gotten asked out by any guys over the past 4 years of my high school career. He is feared I tell ya...
He's pretty much my best friend. He knows me better than anyone ever.
That's kinda cool too.
Anyways, I looove him.
And maybe this has to do with why I've started listening to Bob Dylan fairly recently.
Because I miss having him around the house now that he's got his own place and I rarely see him.
And when I listen to old Robert Zimmerman (Ol' Bobby's real real name btw) I hear my brother singing along to him in the background, as he's driving along stretches of highways,
like a rolling stone,
but he ain't goin' nowhere.

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